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What I'm Thinking: Origin of Life


IndoForum Activist E
No. Urut
6 Mar 2008
Nilai reaksi
Atheists think that all of the universe creates itself by itself naturally. They say our solar system was created in a bang (a theory created by Georges Lemaître).

They say science is above all.

They say, there is no God.

And they say, we, humans, and all creatures in this world, are actually evolution of more ancient species (a theory which was created and denied by Charles Darwin himself). They believe (although they say belief is a cover-up of our insecurity -- quote from Deepak Chopra) that there is a tree of life, that every creature in the world evolve through genes and cells mutations. And that every animal (including us, Homo sapien) are evolutions of Archaebacteria, and all plants are evolutions of Cyanophyte (now considered as Cyanobacteria). And to be detailed, Archaebacteria and Cyanobacteria came from simple prokaryotes, and those simple prokaryotes was created from RNAs (ribonucleic acid) from the proposed RNA World Hypothesis (by Walter Gilbert,1986).

God denies that through His Words in the Bible.

But even if it's true, how could living things possibly made from dead particles? In 2004, S. N. Platts proposed PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) World Hypothesis, that includes conclusion of Stanley Miller and Harold Urey's experiment, and creation of RNA World. In that hypothesis, Platts explained his hypothesis of the making of RNA-like structures. Read it again carefully, RNA-like structures. Could those ancient RNA molecules be possibly created from dead, unliving particles?

Scientists seek for answer, God laughs in pain from above.

Saya menulis thread ini dulunya dari notes di FB, dan saya post thread ini di FA bukan maksud double post. Yang di FA diperuntukkan untuk didiskusikan, yang di FR Kristen sini untuk dibaca saja :)
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