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Naruto [always updated]

gw setuju sama u
emang kisame juga cakranya udah dibilang kayak bijuu
dan killerbee juga host hachibi
jaid dari cakra keduanya monster
terus keduanya sih kelihatan sama2 expert dalam teknik pedang
tapi mempertimbangkan jalan cerita berikutnya sih
mungkin emang killerbee kabur atau ketangkep

kayaknya sih gitu
ntar kalo naruto tanding lawan musuh kuat lagi
kira2 kodok2nya nongol juga gak ya?

iya kek na bee bakal selamet entah kabur / ditolong

lagian ga mungkin semudah itu mengalahkan ekor 8...

meskipun kata sasuke juga serangannya monoton...

tapi power dan damagenya bener2 gede
gw setuju sama u
emang kisame juga cakranya udah dibilang kayak bijuu
dan killerbee juga host hachibi
jaid dari cakra keduanya monster
terus keduanya sih kelihatan sama2 expert dalam teknik pedang
tapi mempertimbangkan jalan cerita berikutnya sih
mungkin emang killerbee kabur atau ketangkep

kayaknya sih gitu
ntar kalo naruto tanding lawan musuh kuat lagi
kira2 kodok2nya nongol juga gak ya?

Kalo musuh yg kuat sih kemungkinan nongol lagi, karena saat ini naruto ga bisa lama2 dalam sage mode, jadi dia butuh bantuan dari tetua kodoknya..
Kayaknya kali ini Ma (Fukushima) dan Pa (Fukusaku) kodok gak ikutan deh. /ok

Klo kemarin kan, punya misi dari tetua kodok, sekalian membalas kematian Jiraiya Chan mereka. /ok

Gak tau deh klo sama Gama Family. /heh
Kayaknya kali ini Ma (Fukushima) dan Pa (Fukushaku) kodok gak ikutan deh. /ok

Klo kemarin kan, punya misi dari tetua kodok, sekalian membalas kematian Jiraiya Chan mereka. /ok

Gak tau deh klo sama Gama Family. /heh

Tapi Naruto kan anak dalam ramalan, trus naruto cuma bisa sebentar dalam sage mode tanpa bantuan tetua kodok, jangankan lawan kisame, lawan sasuke kemungkinan kalah dia...
Mungkin bergunanya klo udah masuk ke urusan Genjutsu ya? /hmm
Naruto kan lemah di genjutsu. /ok
kalo naruto udah bisa kayak killerbee
mengendalikan bijuu
baru enak dah dia
gak mempan genjutsu

gw rasa sih kalo emang naruto butuh bantuan dan itu penting mereka bakalan bantuin tetep
Dah lama gak ngasih spoiler .......

Spoiler buat ch.469


Killer Bee: "I'm gonna kill ya, gonna teach just how different we are when I beat'cha! Prepare yo'self, you big stupid mime! These are my rhymes!"
Sub-chan's bear(Pontai(?)) tries attacking Kisame.

Sub-chan: "Pontai!"
Kisame: "You're a really reckless and talkative Jinchuuriki, aren't you. But first, this strange little bear..."

Pontai is about to swipe at him...

Scene change

Ao: "It doesn't seem that this was a trap of Danzou's. It's more likely the Akatsuki's ninjutsu."

He gets rid of Zetsu's spore jutsu.

Ao: "Maybe I/we should hurry..."

Fuu: (Says something about Zetsu's jutsu and how it preys on and transfers the vicitm's chakra to the host)

They/He is liberated from Zetsu's jutsu too.

Danzou: "So even you didn't notice it then."
Torune: "So, what about the guy who has been tailing us for a while now?"
Fuu: "He's still at it... It'd be good if he fell into [our] trap though."
Torune: "Your trap is special. It'll work"
Danzou: "I don't care if he lives or dies... But take out his right eye."
Fuu: "Wha-"

Danzou told them to take Ao's right eye because he wants the Byakugan he has.
Fuu: "...I'm leaving my body to you in sec, Torune."
Just about then, Ao runs into the trap. A puppet attacks him with a sickle(?)
Ao: "?!"
The sickle are thrown at him, whom catches it and throws it back at the puppet, lodging it into it.
Ao: "A booby trap... This time it must be Danzou's."
There's a note on the puppet's forehead with the kanji for 'curse'. The kanji disappears.
Ao: "?!"
Puppet: "What is going on? How can you see my body?!"
Ao: "The mind-puppet switch curse seal technique... That's the name of this jutsu."
Puppet: "Damn it! Is this a mind-switch that curses whoever attacks you?!"(Unsure)
The puppet is actually Fuu.
Looks like the mind of the puppet switched places.
Torune: "What do we do after this?"
Torune is carrying Fuu's human body over his shoulder.
Danzou: "I'll tell you what my intentions are as soon as Fuu returns to his body."

Tsuchikage: "It's because of Danzou's recommendation that it's come to this. And then there's the question of whom we should leave the the high command of the Shinobi alliance to! Is there anyone qualified for the title of 'Kage'? You were the one who said that the Gokage, including myself, are worthless, Mifune"
Mifune: "I think Raikage-same should be it, though."
Raikage: "..."
Tsuchikage: "But didn't you said that he was unsuited since he lets him emotions rule him?"
Mifune: "I have no doubt that now that he knows Hachibi is alive, he's going be more composed than before. What I said earlier was me jumping to conclusions. Please forgive me. Moreover, everyone worked well together earlier and you made countermeasures quickly. And the key, to control the Bijuu Hachibi; Only Raikage-dono would be able to do that."
Tsuchikage: "Mizukage, Kazekage, is that fine with you?"
Mizukage: "I can't agree to it right now, but I have faith in Raikage-sama."
Gaara: "Let's leave it to the Raikage"
Raikage: "Oonoki of the Twin Ryou Scales, the only one who has experience fighting Uchiha Madara is you, so your intel will be vital. Cooperate with us."(Take this line with some salt. I'm a bit unsure about it)
Tsuchikage: "You're such a guy with a commanding tone."

Raikage: "I don't need your faith, though... But at this rate, the Shinobi world itself will disappear. There is no other choice but to leave your own feelings out and cooperate!"
Tsuchikage: "Well, better than losing this war... If the shinobi world were to disappear, then quarreling with you is out of the question... So I'll cooperate. The Shinobi Alliance is formed!! First we must let the feudal lords know about this."


Naruto: "Wha..?! What did you just say, Sakura-chan?! I think I misheard you, say it again."
Sakura: "As I said, Naruto, I like/love you! Sasuke-kun doesn't mean anything to me any more! I don't know why I could love anyone like him... I'm confessing to you here, so listen to me."
Naruto: "But why...? How come...? If you're joking, then this isn't funny at all... Sakura-chan.... Just... What the hell happened[to you]...?"
Sakura: "Nothing, really... I just opened my eyes... I don't need to love someone who is a missing-nin and a criminal, do I? I'm not going to be a child forever. I'm going to look reality in the eye."

Sakura: "So, Naruto... I don't need your promise any more. Won't you stop chasing Sasuke...?"

Yamato: "What is..."
Kakashi stops him

Naruto: "What happened[to you], Sakura-chan? Why did you so suddenly change your opinion of me..."
Sakura: "I'm telling you, I don't need it any more! I've fallen in love with you, with all my heart, that's why."
Naruto recalls a scene where/when Sakura loved Sasuke.
Sakura hugs Naruto.
Kakashi: "Sakura, are you..."
Sakura: "I've just grown apart from Sasuke-kun... But you've always been at my side, Naruto. You cheered me on... I've realized... how you really are. You're a hero who protected the village. Everyone in the villages loves you now.... I've just become one of them... You were that mischievous dead-last... but little by little you've grown lovely and handsome... You were close to me so I saw it. But Sasuke-kun keeps committing crimes... It just breaks my heart... He's just become someone distant to me."
Naruto: "..."

Sakura: "But Naruto... When I can touch you like this... I feel at peace... I'm telling you this from the bottom of my heart..."

Naruto: "Cut the bullshit, Sakura-chan... I told you I can't laugh at a joke like that."

Sakura: "What're you angry for...? I've just gotten over Sasuke-kun, that's all. A woman's heart is a strange thing, isn't it."(<--- Unsure about this line)
Naruto: "I... I hate people who'd lie to themselves!" The end.




Fu ... fu ... fu ..... kayaknya Hinata dapet saingan berat. /wah

Silakan dinikmati. /gawi
disaat naruto mungkin mulai ada feeling ke hinata
ada sakura
makin ruwet aja percintaannya
Tp kykny itu Sakura pura2 deh...
Kan Sakura sadar wkt diblgin sm Sai, malah ak kepikiranny Sakura sengaja kyk gt biar Naruto ga kyk gt.
cuma kalo gw lihat sih tetep aja naruto bakalan ngejer sasuke
lagipula naruto ngejer sasuke bukan semata karena sakura
tapi emang juga karena naruto mempunyai ikatan sahabat dengan sasuke
jadi pasti naruto tetep ngejer sasuke

ttp klo ngejer mah...

org dia bilang sendiri...

meskipun sasuke kek apa juga...

dia bakal nolongin sasuke..karena dia orang pertama (setelah gurunya yg ada codetnya x ya) yg mengakui keberadaan naruto..
maksudnya Iruka, guru waktu diakademi dulu yah?

kwkwkwk kayaknya bakalan ada cinta segitiga nih kayak kata Tazuna, cuma bukan sama sasuke, tapi Hinata. /heh
tapi kok narutonya gak percaya yah? /hmm

iya lah.,..

dari mereka kecil

sikap sakura ke naruto kek memusuhi / membenci...

ibaratnya..sikap sakura ke sasuke beda jauh sama dia ke naruto...

nah sedangkan sasuke waktu kecil pernah belain naruto waktu sakura ngejelek2in naruto..

klo sakura ngomong begitu sekarang..

kedengaran seperti buat bikin anak kecil yg naingis jadi diem...

alias cmn iming2 doank...

makanya naruto kg percaya

apa lagi naruto taw perasaan sakura ke sasuke tuh gede bgt...

dan naruto menghormati perasaan itu
Berarti niat untuk menghapuskan janji soal bawa pulang sasuke gak telaksana dong? /hmm
Berarti naruto masih membawa beban selama hidupnya /wah
Berarti niat untuk menghapuskan janji soal bawa pulang sasuke gak telaksana dong? /hmm
Berarti naruto masih membawa beban selama hidupnya /wah

Naruto emang orangnya kaya gitu, lagipula dia mau bawa Sasuke kembali bukan karena hanya Sakura, tetapi karena dia sendiri kan sahabatnya Sasuke...
hehehe udah keluar tuh di OM

Ch. 469. Sakura's Confession

Cekidot. /ok

kenapa juga si naruto nya sok cool & sok bego gitu ???, kenapa gak langsung disosor aja si sakura :D [hentai mode on]
rasanya belakangan naruto udah mulai cinta2an
tapi percintaan di naruto belakangan udah mulai bagus
dimulai dari pas hinata
ampe sekarang
mulai bawa suasana
dibandingkan suasana percintaan naruto di awal cerita
Yg pas awalan cerita cintany cmn jd gokil n aneh.
Btw tuh beruang napsu bnget sm kisame ~.~
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