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Lessons you can learn from children


IndoForum Junior A
No. Urut
20 Feb 2007
Nilai reaksi
Lessons you can learn from children

1. Breakfast is the most important meal to take in the morning. Even if there is no prize on the bottom of the box.
2. Sometimes completely blunt with other is great as you used to do with your relatives who want to do embarrassing and crazy things on shiny quarter.
3. Ask questions how you figure out something. Lots and lots of questions.
4. A wise man said "I have never had friends as I had when I was 12 years old". He is right. The trick is to be friend with other just like when you are 12 years old. Fun-loving and loyal without any string attached.
5. Playing is work. Enjoy your downtime with the seriousness of a 5 years old boy with a secret treasure map.
6. Real guys don't dip their toes to the top of the water. They are right jump the water in instead.
7. The only way to know how it works is by completely disassemble it. (it is also can be a good advice when handle a complex problem)
8. There is a reason why they don't give an 8 years old kid a credit card. You're supposed to save your money up before buy a new toy.
9. Your body is designed to kick soccer-ball, throwing basket-ball, swimming, running, and so on. The word "fitness" even doesn't exist in children language, it is "having fun".
10. The world where you live in can be half-real and half-imaginary.
11. Homework blows. Bring homework with you and you just started to ruin your night, your marriage, your family, and even your life.
12. Too much of anything bring ache. Like, say, candy.
13. If there is even a slightest doubt on you, hit the potty before you leave.
14. The coolest adult is the one who take his time to listen to you. You still want to grow up as a cool adult right?
15. Use adrenaline as a drug. You need no pot, beer, cigarette, or crack to have a great time.
16. Kiss girl's cheek is a big deal. Kiss her lips is a bigger deal. Seeing her naked for first time is common event to start altering your life.
17. Seeing a thunderstorm roll is much better than watching HDTV. Rain isn't to be cursed, but to enjoy. Enjoy it before clear.

P.S. I'm practicing English writing intensively to take TOEFL again. Any correction is greatly appreciated /no1
Nice, never grow up my friends...
nice one, only minor mistakes you don't have to be concerned about :)
it's just where you should put the full stop :)
nice article, its really true , in grown up world there are so much to think of...
to much thinking is not good
Yes, I agree about this... Parents also have to learn from their kids. Don't ever think that grew-up and mature persons are always right.
No corrections so far,what you write down here is what make me BiG-OO that it is for me "to be proud when my moms call me I am childish"I know now that it is a good deal to me,as info I am 29 year old boy and I have already great job,with no need bos that I should afraid of,at present,I think I still have half of my life is an Imaginary,but instead of playing with robots or other manikin,My imaginary Playground is "Pen and Paper"and also simetimes ;Google search bar
yes i`m agree....
don`t ever think to understimate what children think....
some corrections > Lessons you can learn from children

Lessons you can learn from children

1. Breakfast is the most important meal to take in the morning. Even if there is no prize on the bottom of the box.
2. Sometimes completely blunt with other is great as you used to do with your relatives who want to do embarrassing and crazy things on shiny quarter.
3. Ask questions how you figure out something. Lots and lots of questions.
4. A wise man said "I have never had friends as I had when I was 12 years old". He is right. The trick is to be friend with other just like when you are 12 years old. Fun-loving and loyal without any string attached.
5. Playing is work. Enjoy your downtime with the seriousness of a 5 years old boy with a secret treasure map.
6. Real guys don't dip their toes to the top of the water. They are right jump the water in instead.
7. The only way to know how it works is by completely disassemble it. (it is also can be a good advice when handle a complex problem)
8. There is a reason why they don't give an 8 years old kid a credit card. You're supposed to save your money up before buy a new toy.
9. Your body is designed to kick soccer-ball, throwing basket-ball, swimming, running, and so on. The word "fitness" even doesn't exist in children language, it is "having fun".
10. The world where you live in can be half-real and half-imaginary.
11. Homework blows. Bring homework with you and you just started to ruin your night, your marriage, your family, and even your life.
12. Too much of anything bring ache. Like, say, candy.
13. If there is even a slightest doubt on you, hit the potty before you leave.
14. The coolest adult is the one who take his time to listen to you. You still want to grow up as a cool adult right?
15. Use adrenaline as a drug. You need no pot, beer, cigarette, or crack to have a great time.
16. Kiss girl's cheek is a big deal. Kiss her lips is a bigger deal. Seeing her naked for first time is common event to start altering your life.
17. Seeing a thunderstorm roll is much better than watching HDTV. Rain isn't to be cursed, but to enjoy. Enjoy it before clear.

P.S. I'm practicing English writing intensively to take TOEFL again. Any correction is greatly appreciated /no1

I try my English…

Pls have a look my suggestion
and pls correct my suggestions below if u think they are incorrect…

a SAP lover

Gray wrote > 7. by completely disassemble it
My Suggestion > 7 by completely disassembling it.

Gray wrote > 8 before buy a new toy.
My Suggestion > 8. before buying a new toy.

Gray wrote > 6. They are right jump the water
My Suggestion > 6. They are right to jump into the water

Gray wrote > 9.Your body is designed to kick soccer-ball, throwing basket-ball, swimming, running, and so on.

My Suggestion > Your body is designed to kicking soccer-ball, throwing basket-ball, swimming, running, and so on.

Remember the rhythm…
6. this is what he may have mean:
They jump right into the water instead

it's rather confusing too :)

9. is an incorrect suggestion
his sentence was right. the word "to" wasn't showing direction.
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