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Honey and Clover


IndoForum Beginner C
No. Urut
8 Apr 2007
Nilai reaksi

Takemoto Yuuta, Mayama Takumi, and Morita Shinobu are college students who share the small apartment. Even though they live in poverty, the three of them are able to obtain pleasure through small things in life. The story follows these characters' life stories as poor college students, as well as their love lives when a short but talented 18 year old girl called Hanamoto Hagumi appears.

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Love-Romance

Season 1:
01) The Day It All Began
02) The two affections start to turn
03) These were two unrequited loves
04) The boy and girl are swayed
05) I think of my mother in my hometown
06) The past, the tears, the confession
07) We look for a miracle
08) Because I Can't Leave You Alone
09) That brooch was so heavy
10) We Fly Across the Sky
11) Love pushes us around
12) The sudden kiss, the unexpected parting
13) All I wanted to hear was that little thing
14) I touched her in my dream
15) My cowardly self starts running
16) The moon is calling her
17) I don't even know how I feel
18) He came back
19) Time begins to move again
20) I pray to the moon hovering in the night sky
21) I've always been scared
22) Like a flower getting wet in the rain
23) And so, I begin to run
24) We're a continuously spinning ferris wheel

Season 2:
01) And then, we start spinning once more
02) Unable to say what you want
03) I don't want to see your tears
04) I won't let you go anywhere
05) Suffering even though I'm happy
06) We were never to go to the beach
07) Forward, in the direction of the light
08) We didn't know anything
09) Pondering my inabilities
10) Once, when I was little, I saw God
11) Please give me your life
12) With honey and clover

Episode 01: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9XSPFRH2
Episode 02: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FMFULDEX
Episode 03: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=R3A8LPI3
Episode 04: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RPZB4WO5
Episode 05: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H3CHEGE3
Episode 06: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2M4QSWYR
Episode 07: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=87WHOA4F
Episode 08: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8PQ6KFYN
Episode 09: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XHUIA09N
Episode 10: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C7EX9UT3
Episode 11: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YN06DXF8
Episode 12: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CIVEIQPK
Episode 13: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q0AX32R7
Episode 14: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VQY7BU9J
Episode 15: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9FJPWOWC
Episode 16: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M9NDLLUL
Episode 17: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y3TOIFGA
Episode 18: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DF9BNCCK
Episode 19: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=S8RS9TR9
Episode 20: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RRGLPT1W
Episode 21: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EJS3IT7X
Episode 22: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OH53QE0S
Episode 23: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IKTM2FI0
Episode 24: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YJL3PID9

Mirror :

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Eps 2 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=d8ed2dc2c10de4571cbf2a68d670f7dc 
Eps 3 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=89949e03302069ebf453c5dfc4dc487a
Eps 4 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=b0e9cdb29153f13f4f983c4f123619af
Eps 5 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=c8effe05b953f1659cee0c0ceaf7e848
Eps 6 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=d1524913ce2da82d37d5d75edc7e273d
Eps 7 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=28c38e7b7e0fda9c9985b5f370e1445e
Eps 8 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=640659c97183b043b6e67b2957596c59
Eps 9 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=0a48c11a3ffde6735c4225478dec5e81
Eps 10 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=b047f99da60da91d2a52232d688092a2
Eps 11 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=21853ddba2d05afabe3d342083a0a3e4
Eps 12 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=ef7b57b4be924dd7612790110f981001
Eps 13 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=e03ae318d1835cdb6a858ec9516b36af
Eps 14 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=ac8d1f70972daa82a7b6ec83a8ca1940
Eps 15 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=126ab87a585fb9dcd1233aa53c6c9498
Eps 16 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=8cf686e353c0c56820e4bd475b63772a
Eps 17 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=51b9f84f3e286364137e6947d7a2ba91
Eps 18 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=6967fd88c1d0b27280d3b9b76a4e60fb
Eps 19 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=63c49162d1dd46604d3d7a6b741af17a
Eps 20 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=5c9e8a2a22b1e40cbd50df71bb0597df
Eps 21 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=18c77f362c9022655b547cd40fa2b8d7
Eps 22 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=29337ba3449f6a1833a12d878b5a2b9d
Eps 23 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=12c99e26762b9680786daf6f508cdd8b
Eps 24 - http://download.gilaupload.com/filepointer.php?fid=3848549536066f1b25db180c52bd003b
season 2 nya blum diupload ya??

kasih pengalaman donk klo kaw share, jadi ga melulu dari sinopsis inggrisnya...
banyak member butuh referensinya dari si TS nya lohh

aa.. Ada yg tau ga buat nonton honey n clover yg anime dmn??

Dulu gue nonton di crunchyroll, tp skrg di licence ga bs nonton.. --'
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